Dolls > Tour


Welcome to my studio located in the loft of my home. I was lucky enough to nab it for my sewing space because the ceiling is only 6 1/2' high and there was no window. I originally shared it with storage space, but one day I decided to do a remodel and the storage space became a very minimal part of the room. During a quite extensive roof repair job I was able to have a large skylight window installed.

This view shows some of my favourite things, like really colourful fabric and my sewing machine. I used to keep my fabric in tubs and boxes, but this is so much more inspirational. Don't you think? My thread hangs on the end of the fabric shelves within easy reach of my sewing area. I love to use all types of threads from metallic to rayon. After all life is all about choices. That black bag on my sewing machine is where I toss the various parts as I finish sewing them; then I transport them elsewhere for stuffing and construction (like in the sunshine or in front of the television).